Inspiration Planning

Every Bride Needs Bridesmaids Like Chisom Who is The Life of The Party! #DiaryOfABellaNaijaBridesmaid

Editor’s Note: Weddings often come with a truckload of unforgettable moments. Amid all the love and celebrations, there’s a special group of people who work behind the scenes and on the frontlines to make the day truly magical – Bridesmaids! This season, we’re turning the spotlight on this remarkable set of stars who are always there to lift, cheer and keep the vibes alive. 

Every bride needs that friend in her corner who is the life of the party, and Chisom was that friend. Her love for weddings makes it possible for her to shine in her role. On bridesmaid duty, her mission was clear—to cheer the bride on all day long and banish any hint of anxiety. Whether it was cracking jokes or dancing up a storm, Chisom made sure her friend was surrounded by nothing but good vibes and laughter.


How many times have you been a bridesmaid?

I have been a bridesmaid 4 times

What do you think the major role of a bridesmaid?

The major role of a bridesmaid, in my opinion is to cheer the bride the whole day and assist her in every way possible.

What’s the highest amount you’ve spent on your bridesmaid look?

 The highest amount I’ve spent on my bridesmaid look including dresses, hair, make up and accessories should be 500k thereabout

My frontal wig was about 200k
Installation cost: 35k
Makeup cost: 30k
Gele: 5k
First dress (the orange) 50k
Second dress (the velvet): 150k
Heels: 27k
Purse: 18k

Total= 515k

Do you have any tips on being a bridesmaid on a budget?

My tips on being a bridesmaid on a budget is (1) Having your own team put your look together e.g. the makeup artist, stylist and hair stylist can be your friends so they won’t over charge you. (2) Cut your coat according to your cloth. lol 😂. (3) You don’t need to order everything online, enter market please.

What do you love the most about being a bridesmaid?

What I love the most about being a bridesmaid? There’s a lot I love about being a bridesmaid o. Firstly I love weddings and the joy that comes with them. Secondly, the fact that one gets to dress up and look good. Thirdly, I’m a very cheerful person, I’m happy to cheer the bride all day long, most especially because she’s definitely my friend.

What is your most memorable experience as a bridesmaid?

My most memorable experience as a bridesmaid has to be the last one I did, where I had to dance with a groomsman, I did this salsa move to Asake’s song and the video has gone so viral, it has over 2m views on my TikTok . lol. I doubt I can ever forget it.


– Any bad bridesmaid experience? Tell us about it. Also, What do you think could have been done differently?

 I’ve never had any bad experiences as a bridesmaid. Only thing I’d say is, I don’t like cranky brides. lol 😂 But at the same time you can’t blame them, the pressure on that day is a lot.

Did you enjoy this episode as much as we did? We bet your answer is a solid yes. 🤭 We will be back next year with more bridesmaids and more interesting stories to tell! Stay with us


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