Fashion & Beauty

Northern Brides-to-be, This Regal Beauty Look is Perfect For You!

Hey there, gorgeous northern brides-to-be! How excited are you about your wedding? We bet your excitement is off the roof and guess what? So is ours! And we’ve got something for you as well.

We’ve got this northern beauty look to get you dazzling like the royal queen that you are. Dumsy Glow Touch came through with the glam and it’s every bit a head-turner. We’re absolutely in love with the royal feel that the outfit exudes. The turban by Julia Gele_ is the perfect icing on the beautiful cake that is this exquisite look. If your wedding is coming up, then you definitely want to check this out for one of your ceremonies. You can also find more beauty looks here.

Check out the photos below and let us know what you think.




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