BN Bling Proposals

The First Date was the Twist for Busola & Sam

Guys, this love story is so beautiful you will love to read.

Even though Busola kinda shut out Sam with a cold reply on their first meeting at a friend’s cookout in 2015. When they met again, Busola was super sure he didn’t remember her until he mentioned their first meeting, but hey, the story didn’t end there, they became friends and now they are prepping to walk down the aisle. Cute, right!

Gladly the bride-to-be, Busola tells us exactly how it all happened. Read all about it below and do catch up with more love story in this here.

Let Busola narrate the story to us:

We met at a mutual friend’s cookout the summer of 2015 – it was Memorial Day Weekend. I was in the kitchen chatting with my girlfriend, when Sam comes and interrupts our conversation. I think someone at the party told him I was a pharmacist and he was about to graduate pharmacy school himself, so he introduced himself and kept talking. I didn’t really feel like talking about my work at a party, so I admit I was super cold until he got the hint and left us alone. Later that year, my friend had a game night at her house and Sam showed up with some of his friends.

I immediately felt bad about how cold I was during our last encounter and wondered if he recognized me. Well, he went the whole night without even looking in my direction, so I figured he forgot. The next year, the summer of 2016, we randomly friended each other on Instagram and then snapchat, and after a while he sent me a message. I was excited, especially because I knew he forgot about our first encounter. We chatted on the phone for hours. We’re so similar yet so different. Sam is very talkative, and I’m a bit more reserved and shy. But the conversation was so easy-going, and we really hit it off. Then, on our first date, we went to a Thai restaurant and the first thing he said was “you know we met before right?” Busted! I immediately apologized, but he was so cool about and we had an amazing date!


When it was time to pop the question, here’s how Sam popped the question

For our two year anniversary, June 2018, Sam told me we were going out to dinner. I was suspicious because he told me to dress nice and to get my nails done. My parents live out of state and I knew that if he ever proposed, he would have them travel down for the proposal because I am super close with them. So that night before we went to dinner I called my parent’s house phone and they were at home. I was so confused, and sad because I knew at that moment that he wasn’t proposing.

We went to dinner and then came back to his house, and when I opened the door there were candles and rose petals all along the staircase and music playing in the background. I started balling immediately. He pulled me up the staircase and all of our closest friends jumped out, yelling Happy Anniversary! The room was filled with white and red roses. I kept crying. Then, the love of my life asked me to be his wife. I really am blessed to be with such a handsome, caring, supportive and loving man. I can’t wait to marry my best friend on Memorial Weekend— exactly 4 years after we met.


Bride to be: @busiii
Photography: @Akintayotimi
Planner: @Masterplanevents

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