
Gloria & Wanaemi’s Efik-Ijaw Traditional Wedding in Calabar was IT!

Traditional weddings are always a delight to see, the attires, culture, and display of tradition put us in a happy place.

The beautiful Gloria and her prince charming, Wanaemi had a beautiful traditional wedding ceremony in Calabar, Cross River. The bride’s beautiful Efik culture was on display in every way and we are loving every bit of it. We also got a sweet fusion of the groom’s Ijaw culture, truly when cultures meet, beauty is born.

Gladly, we not only have their trad photos to share with you, but we also have their sweet love story as told by the bride and you should read all about it below:


Here’s how it all started according to the bride:

 5th  September 2020 we attended a mutual friend’s baby christening in Port-Harcourt standing 4 feet apart but barely noticing each other. December of the same year, we were introduced by the same friend, phone numbers shared but it took a few days to make contact. We were missing calls and chats until December 24th when Wanaemi called, I was under work pressure but I answered like I’ve been looking forward to the call.

Prior to this time I hadn’t recalled what he looked like from the christening, the chats became frequent. He would share pictures of himself but never asked for mine, the objective was to build friendship devoid of looks, and oh it was a sweet one. The calls became endless, after a few weeks, he suggested a video call which I obliged, and boy he looked handsome, then I started sharing old non-slay pictures of myself, don’t think he was impressed as I gathered him to be interested in flashy/classy women, thankfully he was already deep into me, that my non-slay self could pass.I eventually shared dressed-up photos of myself.

Time passed and we were ready to meet up, so we did and everything changed. It has been 7 months of selfless love, kindness, sparks, laughter, fights, understanding Ours has been a predestined union, we saw God from the very beginning, until this moment and we’re confident that God will be with us all through this lovely journey. I married the best man!




Photography: @xposurebystevedavid
Planner: @uwayensevents_bridal
Outfits: @frekewilson_masterpiece
Hairstyling: @calabar_bridalhair_fascinators
Makeup: @shakarachic_beauty

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