Forever Love Marriage

August is About to be Lit! Get Ready for #TheEverAfter Series

Love is beautiful and we take great pride in celebrating love. From the moment the “will you marry me” question is popped to the moment the two become one, it’s definitely a journey we enjoy bringing to you.

Now we know that it is not all about the big day, what happens after is even more important. The path to having a happy ever after is one that is fraught with spikes and hurdles.

So when we come across couples who have been together for so long and are still waxing strong, we cannot help but ask, “how?” This, of course, is after the “wow, they’re still so in love”, “Aww! After so many years, this is so sweet!” moments. There’s almost nothing as beautiful as the love that has stood the test of time.

Then the curiosity sets in. How did they do it? Were there stumbling blocks along the way? Did they never get fed up? What’s the secret?

At BellaNaija Weddings, we believe not only in the beauty and joy of weddings but also in the beauty of long-lasting healthy marriages. That’s why, in collaboration with BellaNaija Features, we are bringing you beautiful stories of couples whose love has not waned through the years.

We asked couples who have been happily married for over 20 years to share their insights on love, marriage, and the forever journey, and the responses are insightful, intriguing, and hilarious. From the moment they met to the ups, downs, and everything in between, these couples take us through how they’ve been able to keep the ship sailing decades after saying “I do,” and we cannot wait to bring you all the amazing stories.

Is happy ever after a myth? You’re about to find out as we take a jolly ride into forever through the lenses of these beautiful couples with THE EVER AFTER series.

All you have to do is, take a ride with us from Thursday, 12th of August 2021 by 1 pm. Join us as we take a dive into The Ever After.

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