BN Bling Proposals

Football Banter on Twitter Brought Lily & Marvel Together!

Editor’s Note: Hey there, BellaNaija Weddings Fam! It’s day 2 of the BellaNaija Weddings Freshers Week and today, we’ve got this beautiful pre-wedding shoot from Port-Harcourt-based BellaNaija Weddings Fresher planner, Weddings By Daflosylstar.

Social media is still showing out its flexibility when it comes to bringing people together. This time, it’s Twitter! Lily and Marvel met on the popular banter-filled side of Twitter that many users would identify as football Twitter.

With Lily and Marvel both being strong Manchester United fans, they started interacting more on the timeline and eventually, the DMs. Two years along the line, fate decided to switch things up a bit and you can tell it was a happy ending. Now, here we are, taking in the beauty of love and drooling over their pre-wedding photos captured by fresher photographer, Weddings By Daflosylstar!

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story just how Lily tells it below.

Their love story as told by Lily:

Our irredeemable love for Manchester United brought us together on Twitter. We bantered on the timeline after each match for 2years before it went down in the DM’s.

It turns out for these two years he had a crush on me which he eventually told me about but I wasn’t about to take someone I only met on Twitter seriously.

I guess God sure has a wonderful sense of humour. Because he aligned our paths to meet in the most beautiful way with us finding out that we attend the same church and we live 5 minutes from each other.

We’ve also got some cute photos from their civil wedding. Enjoy!

If we had to imagine our love story we wouldn’t have put the pieces so perfectly together as God did.



Bride: @thelilyking_
Groom: @kamdgentlelion
Makeup: @odinz_glam
Photography: @weddingsbydaflosylstar

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