BN Bling Proposals

A Mutual Friend Did The Matchmaking Now We Have #JustJoy23!

Aren’t you just amazed at how love works? Sometimes, people just go about their daily activities completely unaware of the fact that they are cupid’s next target. Before they know it, love comes knocking, bearing the most beautiful gift ever. Chinyere can totally relate because this is how she met the love of her life, Justice.

It all began one fateful day at work when Chinyere received a message from her friend. It was about this perfect gentleman she wanted her to meet. Indeed, Justice was the perfect man for her and it was glaring after the first date. They bonded beautifully and Justice knew he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers. With the help of her friends, he planned the perfect surprise proposal and asked his baby girl to spend forever with him. Of course, she said ‘yes!’ Their pre-wedding photos are filling our bellies with all the butterflies of love and we are here for it. They look so perfect together and we are super excited for them!

Enjoy their pre wedding shoot and love story below:

Their love story as shared by Chinyere:

I was at work when I received an instant message from a friend who later became a mutual friend of ours. She said, there is someone she’d would like me to meet. She described him as someone that was kind, loving, patient and godly. On reading her message, I was delighted at the qualities mentioned. They piqued my interest to meet this very someone. Even though, I was unsure about my readiness for a relationship at the time, I was keen to confirm the too-good-to-be true description.

I expressed my thoughts to my friend and consented to her sharing my contacts details with this said ‘man’. As I got ready to go to bed that night, a call came through with an unknown number. I was sceptical at first but went on to take the call. A calm voice on the other end, uttered a ‘good evening’ and goes on to introduce himself. At some point in our conversation, he informed me that he will be in Chicago later that week and wanted to know if my schedule could accommodate a lunch date.

I agreed to meeting him on his visit but sadly, the day we scheduled to meet, I was drafted into an ad hoc meeting that lasted beyond the fixed time. Thus, I could not make the meeting. When I notified him of the change in plans, he was so understanding and asked if I could make another meeting later in the week. I already knew within me that nothing was going to stop me from making that second meeting…lol. We finally had our lunch date, and I apologized for missing the first meeting and offered to drop him off at the airport. Well brethren, as the saying goes, the rest is history! It has been a blissful journey with someone whose presence in my life reassures me of God’s liquid love.

Here is how Justice popped the question:

After that first meeting, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. We got to discover more things about each other. Our friendship waxed stronger with each passing day. I got to know her better and was beyond impressed. I appreciated her ability to contribute meaningfully to issues and how well she conducted herself. Her grace and charisma could hardly go unnoticed. She lights up every room she steps into. The challenges we surmounted and how well we resolved matters made me realize how special she is and how blessed I was to have her.

Chichi is the woman I want in my life forever. So, I told my pastors of my plans to take things further, and they gave me their blessings. The fact that I do not live in Chicago would make it difficult to propose to Chichi, so I thought but on reaching out to her close friends, I realised I really had nothing to worry about as they instantly agreed to help me plan and execute the proposal. They suggested, I proposed on her birthday but knowing my girl, she is clever and would figure it out.

So, we decided to do it on Saturday, the day I would have supposedly returned to Florida after marking her birthday. On the day, Chichi dropped me off at the airport and we said our goodbyes. As soon as she drove off for work, a friend picked me up to go set up for the proposal. While setting up, Chichi kept calling me to confirm my arrival. I could not take her calls without exposing myself, so I, sadly, put my phone in silent mode and only wished for the hours to fly past…and boy! Did the time fly, no it did not.


That was the slowest day ever. I kept calling my partners-in-plan to ensure that our cover was not blown, and these ladies did an amazing job. I am eternally thankful to Sis Domo and Silvia for delivering the night just as I had envisioned it. At the hour, Chi walked in looking radiant and graceful as always, I immediately dropped to my knees and said WILL YOU MARRY ME? She said yes and here we are today.


Bride: @daughter_of_consolation
Groom: @justiceudonna
Coordinator: @weddingsbydp


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