BN Bling Proposals

When Your Aunty Introduces you to Bae! Here’s Ada & Chidi’s Love Story

Just because love is a beautiful thing and we love everything about love.

We couldn’t resist the beauty of the #CAlove496 pre-wedding shoot. So today we are pretty excited to share Ada and Chidi‘s pre-wedding shoot plus love story with you. Do you want to guess how they met? Let’s give you a hint, one of their aunties introduced them to each other and voila, here we are now.


Here’s how it all started according to the bride, Ada:

In February 2016, I had a conversation with God and I told Him that I was ready to find love. By March 2016, I made the commitment to give love a chance. I had never been in any official relationship with anyone because the guys I had talked to were never serious. That same month, I went to an event with my mom nearby. I almost didn’t go! My dad wasn’t feeling well and she needed someone to accompany her. As soon as we walked into the event, a lady approached us, greeted my mom, and asked who I was. She said, “who is this beautiful lady? Is that your sister?”

She continued, saying, “I have a nephew who would be perfect for you. He’s tall, he’s handsome, and he’s very successful, but he lives in Boston.” She told my mom that she believed her nephew would be perfect for me. Ladies, when have we heard this before? LOL. The lady soon asked for my number. Normally, I would have gently declined and made some excuse like school or work, but I remembered the promise I made to myself and to God and I decided to give her my number. I had no faith in these blind “aunty referrals” anyway, so I knew nothing would come of it especially knowing that he lived across the country.

Fast forward to June 2016, I got a text message. I had no idea who it was. The number was from a completely different area code, so I waited to hear more from the sender. Come to find out, it was the lady’s nephew, Chidi. I googled the area code and It was a Boston area code lol. I totally forgot that Chidi’s aunty mentioned that he lived in Boston. I was still unsure as to whether I should proceed with the referral or not. He introduced himself very gentlemanly and although I was hesitant, I replied. Shortly after we started messaging, Chidi asked to speak with me on the phone.

I remember I was on my way to a bridesmaid’s dress fitting when Chidi called and we began talking. I had parked directly outside the store and ended staying in the car for almost 4 hours! After the call, my first thought was “how was I on the phone for 4 hours?!” LOL. He was so easy to talk to and it felt like we had known each other for such a long time. The call ended and I was still in shock. He had mentioned that he was coming to Los Angeles to visit family and attend a wedding. I asked him for the details and came to find out he was coming for the same wedding that I was getting fitted for that day! It was truly Divine Intervention! Unreal!

The first time we met was during that wedding. I gave him a hug when I saw him. I was so nervous. He smelled so good. Check. He was taller than me at 5’10. Check. We saw each other every day after that until he went back to Boston. Consistent – Check. LOL. We dated continuously for 2 years. Him in Boston and I in LA. We did the long-distance thing, which was no joke. We were both tested mentally, physically, and spiritually. I had a lot of pressure being the eldest of 6, being in school, being in an intensive program, but all the while, Chidi was extremely supportive.


He made the majority of the trips to LA to make sure I knew he was serious and that he was here for the long run. Without even knowing, I fell in love knowing that he would love me as he loved all the women in his family, so purely and genuinely. On December 27, 2018, Chidi became my official first and last boyfriend and my soon-to-be husband. We tied the knot (traditionally) on December 28, 2019, and we cannot wait for our church wedding later this year to celebrate with close family and friends!



Bride: @ericadaobi
Groom: @chidstarr
Photography: @nonniz_photography
Dress: @anit_cuts
Makeup: @isabelmakeover

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    January 19, 2020 at 12:53 PM

    Soooo beautiful…

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