BN Bling Proposals

Anahid & Gabriel’s Pre-wedding Shoot is Giving Us All The Feels!

For every chance we get to celebrate love, our heart does a little dance and today is no exception! Today, we’re catching all the feels of a happy ever after story courtesy of love birds, Anahid and Gabriel.

Anahid got an invitation to hang out with her cousin one fateful weekend and there she met her Prince charming. Though their paths had crossed a number of times before that day, it’s safe to say that love was in the air and a beautiful story was born.

Now, Anahid and Gabriel are set for the aisle and we’re super stoked for them! Their pre-wedding photos have us in our feelings and we simply can’t get over their chemistry.

Enjoy their beautiful pre-wedding photos and love story below.

Their love story as shared by Anahid:

Gabriel and I had known each other for a few years but never interacted with one another, for reasons on his part, I’m not sure but for me, I wasn’t interested in any form of a Nigerian man coming to toy with my heart. So, I faced my front. Occasionally we’d meet at social events and some flights back to Lagos, from Accra as that is where I worked – but that was the summary of our meet-cute. My mum for some reason was under the impression that it was time for me to find a partner and was always somewhere, with someone plotting and planning my marriage. She insisted that I get out more and associate with other people outside my social group, in hopes I would find a partner. Me being strong-willed and stubborn, I rebelled against the idea of being “set up”  and made it quite clear with body language, and a sharp tongue that if I were to be with anyone it’ll be on my terms, madly in love, and not just because it made sense or served its purpose. Back in Lagos, my cousin asked if  I would love to hang out. This was obviously a little random as we don’t hang out as much and so my doubtful self questioned him immediately. “Did my mother put you up to this? I promise I’m not bored oh”. He laughed and swore high to heaven it was not so. Something in me told me it was not the entire story, but who wants to be home all weekend? The following day, I met him out and funny enough he came with a friend. What friend? Which other friend other than Gabriel! The conversation was pleasurable, and it felt quite good. I walked right out of my comfort zone and just achieved my goal of getting to meet and network with new people. Mission accomplished. I was done, and giving hints it was time to head home. Knowing Nigerian men and their grandiose way of showing up and out, they urged me to come along for one last stop for the night and unwillingly, I agreed to go. We left immediately and stopped at one of these lively clubs and to be honest, I don’t know if I was a little tipsy on champagne or Gabriel’s cologne was laced with some form of enchantment, but I was taken aback.

Never had Gabriel been so attractive. I mean there must have been about 10 people on that table that night and for some reason, it was as though we were alone. Our conversation lasted ages. He then asked for my number which I’m usually quite stern on, as I’d prefer social media first. But he became the exception. We both in that moment, I believe became the object of each other’s desires. I knew then and there, my heart had found what it needed; not just because of their showmanship; but rather how special he made me feel. How he humbled himself towards and for me, how he had no care in the world to show his excitement that he was in my presence. I was the bane of his existence, and that made me know I was right where I needed to be. Our hearts connected on so many similar beliefs and also so many values we both shared; our families, our individual responsibilities, and the commonality of our strict drive to be successful outside the umbrella of success set up by our parents. He made so much space for me and made sure I knew I was also as much of priority as anything else. We spoke till morning and the rest they say is history, but it didn’t end there. Gabby made every
effort to see me every weekend in Accra, and not only that but made every effort to become close to my younger brother whom he knows has my heart, as well as my mum, who calls him by his Akan (Twi) name, Yaw. My mum and Gabby became so close, it felt like he was a part of the family. He then made it clear to me that he wanted to marry me and he was not here to play games.

Here’s how Gabby popped the question:

A couple months after asking her father’s permission, he called me gave me his blessings and I proceeded to propose to my sweet beautiful wife, Anahid. I had made plans to propose in Zanzibar but my visa go delayed so I had to improvise and propose to her in Accra Ghana. I had made plans with her mum and one of my
close friends from Ghana to arrange everything. I had this lovely set up with flowers, decorations, a saxophonist, and got all my family and friends that couldn’t be there on zoom to witness and share the lovely moment with us. We also had a few friends present and her mum was present to wintness the whole event. It was very beautiful and emotional for both of us and it’s a day we will not forget. I told her to get ready that I wanted us to take some pictures and when she came down, she saw all that had been arranged I lead her into the room in her uncle’s house where I had everything and everyone waiting to surprise her and then I proposed.



Photography: @felixcrown
Makeup: @bimpeonakoya

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