BN Bling Proposals

Dorothy and Dennis Found Love at a Wedding! Enjoy Their Pre-wedding Photos

On today’s episode of exciting places where love shows up, we bring you lovebirds, Dorothy and Dennis who met at a wedding in Ghana! 😄

It all started in “the love month” when Dennis was a groomsman at a wedding and the beautiful Dorothy caught his eye with her sleek moves on the dance floor. At that point, he just knew he had to make her his. He was able to get her contact and now, they have us dancing to the tunes of their sweet love! You can’t but love their cosy, loved-up pre-wedding photos. You can tell these two are so smitten and we are super excited for them!

Enjoy their pre-wedding photos and love story below:

Their love story as shared by Dorothy:

Dennis and I met in “The Love Month.” He was a groomsman at a wedding I was invited to, and that was where he spotted me on the dance floor. Being his first time in Ghana from the States, I was just the lady he was looking for. He put his trust in a friend to get my contact as he was too shy to approach me.

He sent me a text later that night introducing himself and how he couldn’t get his eyes off me at the wedding. He was to leave Ghana in 2 days so we scheduled our first date before he left. I met the man of my dreams and there was no looking back. We met in London 8 months after and we made our life’s best decision. So, I will call it love spotted in Accra and brewed in London.


Bride @darkoah__
Planner @plush_eventgh
Photography @sorce_photography

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