Forever Love Marriage

Kemi & Korede Are 20 Years Strong In Love! See All They Have To Say About Their Love Journey

“To love and to hold…to cherish forever.” The weight of these words can easily be lightened by the happiness of taking that big step with the love of your life. Then the honeymoon wears off and the journey fully begins and oh! What a beautiful experience it can be to live every day, fulfilling those words even when it may not be as easy to do so. It’s a tale of commitment, strength and ultimately, love! ?

We’re definitely super stoked by Kemi and Korede of Photoninmi as they celebrate 20 years of love and friendship. After 2 decades since that magical walk down the aisle, the adorable duo is still so very much in love. One of the ways they celebrated this tremendous feat was with an all so sweet photoshoot. We can’t get enough of their smiles and laughter. The friendship they share is totally evident and beautiful. We also just have to commend how youthful and radiant they look! Time clearly, has got nothing on Kemi and Korede.

You already know we love every opportunity to catch a sweet love story. So, yes!

We asked Kemi and Korede some questions about their journey of love and you want to see all that they shared with us. Keep scrolling to enjoy it all!

Can you take us down memory lane, how did you meet?

Kemi: We met while working at the same office.

Korede: We met in 1996 when we were both working for Olusola Adekanola & co. Then Tax Consultants for State, at the time.

Wow, 20 years! Tell us how did you feel when you woke up on the morning of your 20th wedding anniversary?

Kemi: I felt thankful to God for grace in the last 20years.

Korede: I woke up that morning of our 20th Anniversary, with a joyful feeling of accomplishments, having overcome over 7,300 days with my beloved wife. Past years of joy, few tears, good times and bad times.

Let’s take it back to while you were dating/courting? What’s your funniest memory while you were dating (or courting)?

Kemi: There are actually two funny instances. The first one was when he was still trying to date me. He came to my house unannounced and started knocking on the door. He knocked for so long and I did not open just to test his resilience. Trust me he came back. He knew what he wanted. The second funny instance was during our courtship. We went for counselling and were both given forms to fill independently but we should talk about some of the points. There was a particular point on the number of kids. We both argued on the number of kids back to the counsellor’s office and he advised that when we get there, we will decide. That was exactly what happened.

Korede: When we were courting. There was a day she came to my house after work. I was then a Chartered Accountant working With Conoil Producing. She was so tired and dozed off on the couch. I just gazed at her in admiration of her beauty.


Many people say the “youngins” have all the fun. If you disagree, tell us, what fun activities do you do together?

Kemi: I feel it’s natural for the youngins to have more fun because they are just starting and they have all kinds of imagination about what marriage is all about. We gist together a lot. We are both always home together.

Korede: Of course “Youngins” have all the fun. Playing all romance and cuddling around the house, before our children arrived, etc…

How would you define love after being married for 20 years?

Kemi: After 20 years, I’d say that love is patient and understanding. Appreciating that you are not both perfect, so there will be offences. You must learn to forgive and overlook, to run the race for which you already collected a certificate before starting.

Korede: Definition of love after being married for 20 years… Love is affection between two lovers/ friends, the forgiveness of each other and genuine care for and of each other regardless of the situations they both face.


What’s that one thing your partner does that gets you giddy every single time?

Korede:  Each time she wakes up at about 5 AM to fix my breakfast for the office. Also when she hits my butts each time she sees me go upstairs. ?

Wait, what’s the most memorable moment from your wedding 20 years ago?

Kemi: That was when we had our first child. Both of us had to bath a 3 weeks old baby ourselves. I was carrying and bathing the tiny tot (who was very delicate), carefully and he was pouring the bathing water gently on the baby. I can never forget that first experience. It was like writing JAMB examination. You must not fail. The baby must not slip and fall and the water must not enter the wrong place…

Korede: Memorable moment about our wedding 20 years ago: My hilariousness during the occasion e.g. When I had to feed her with cake, she had opened her mouth and I dodged it, guests shouted pleasantly and she quietly begged me to please not repeat my play, but feed her. I then pecked her and fed her nicely.


What is that one thing no one ever told you about marriage but you found out in your marriage?

Kemi: One thing no one told me and I found out is that for marriage to work, a woman must have a lot of patience. As in, a lot of it.

Korede: No one ever told me my wife was a pampered child. I know she is the first child and first grandchild in that line. Her mum was the only surviving child of her parents. Thus, too much excess love and had to carry her excesses as my cross.

If you had to give one advice to newly-weds or young couples, what will it be?

Kemi: My advice to young couples will be that they should be patient, tolerant and forgiving.

Korede: The joy of marriage is the experience of both good times and bad times. That it is the man’s responsibility to provide care and supplies for the home. Marriage is like a pregnant woman who endures all the pains of pregnancy and never approached her Doctor that she wanted to remove the baby. Marriage is to be endured so the gains afterwards can be enjoyed.

We also had a little fun game with the couple. Here’s how it went…THIS or THAT

Would you both go for a beach vacation or an adventurous vacation?

– Adventurous vacation.

Party together or play board games at home?

– Play games at home.


Matching outfits or different outfits?

-Different outfits but matches.

Netflix and Chill or Cinema dates?

-Netflix and chill.

Homemade dinner or a special candlelight dinner at a restaurant?

-Candlelight dinner at a restaurant.


Gent: @photonimi
Hair: @tobbiestouch
Dress: @betho.bespoke
Groom’s Necklace@cornucopiaadorn
Backdrop setup: @excathedra
Photography: @photonimi

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