Forever Love Marriage

14 Years and Forever to Go! Lola & Jimi Tewe’s Anniversary Messages has Us Smiling

because love is sweet and 14 years after, these two are going strong.

The ever beautiful couple, Lola and Jimi Tewe celebrated a major milestone in their union. The couple celebrated 14 beautiful years of marriage with new photos on their Instagram pages and sweet notes to go with them. We can’t help but feel the pre-wedding vibes their wedding anniversary shoot is giving us. Love is sweet


He shared:

It’s been 14 years Baby @lolatewe
I told you this morning that it feels just like 6 years and that’s the truth

The honest truth is that I have never looked back for once to think, ‘am I sure I married right?’.. I know I did.

After Jesus, it’s you.

Thank you for loving me. Many people don’t know the work in progress that I am but you do and you love me more.

Thank you for giving me, fine children ?

Thank you for laughing at my jokes

Thank you for that big smile on your face that warms my heart

Thank you for your patience with my faults

Thank you for always cheering me on in spite of the sacrifices that come with it

Thank you for calling me those pet names you construct that take me time to understand ?

Thank you for reminding me to make out time in raising our children

Thank you for helping me to pray again when the fires are not as strong

Thank you for sparking for me when I want to behave like a bush boy

Thank you for talking to me everyday since we met 17 years ago (except for those 4 days due to travel limitations)
Thank you for those transfers you make to my account when you know I don’t have a lot of cash at hand

Thank you for holding me when I get into those ‘leave me alone moments’ ?

Thank you for 14 sweet years of Marriage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary Baby @lolatewe

She shared:


You know ours is a Jesus Story. #jesusdidit

For every time He showed up for us.

For every time He sent help.

For every time He grafted us into new families. Trust me, we are loved.

For every time He led us away from temptation.

For every time He kept our hearts knitted together in love.

For every time He has given us people to bring into our home to nurture and raise.

For the people He has commissioned to take care of me when you’re not around?

For every time He has given us people to mentor.

For every time He has used us as channels of blessing to the world.

For the graces upon our lives.

For the many lives that have been blessed.

For peace of mind.

For our parents, our children, our siblings, our mentors, our mentees, our spiritual parents, our home, our friends, our church, our followers.

And for the last 14 years, we have come to back to give Him the praise.

Thank you Jesus.

Happy anniversary 14th wedding anniversary to us @jimitewe and @lolatewe.



Couple: @jimitewe & lolatewe

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