
Fill Your Day With all The Love From Maryam and Muhammed’s Yoruba Trad

We are so obsessed with the beauty of love and we mean every word when we say we can never get tired of it. Maryam and Muhammed took the forever route in a lovely Yoruba trad and we are totally here for all the sweetness!

The hallmark of every traditional wedding is a sufficient cultural representation and Maryam and Muhammed certainly repped their Yoruba roots.  Maryam looked radiant in her stylish asooke dress and  Muhammed slayed the traditional agbada to perfection. From the sweet display of love to carrying out the age-long traditions, everything about their wedding was a delight to behold. Maryam and Muhammed had such a beautiful wedding and we are certain it will add colour to your day.

Enjoy Maryam and Muhammed’s trad photos and see their Nikkah wedding here.

Maryam is the definition of beauty and elegance 😍


Muhammed is such a dapper groom!

Obsessed with the love and stylish looks😍

Let’s get this trad started with the groom’s entrance!

Time for the Idobale as the Yoruba tradition demands!

Now, we await the bride…

The bride is here!

Time to go to pay respect to the groom’s family

Now, the groom gets a befitting fila!

Together forever!


Makeup: @tifaramakeovers
Stylist: @styleriche_
Asooke: @mademoiselle.nig
Gele: @tochi_gelecraft
Planner: @luminare_eventsng
Videography: @utopianfilms
Photography: @bayofarayolaphotography

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