Forever Love Marriage

You’ll LOVE Christiana & Olu’s Showstopping 10 Year Vow Renewal in Cabo San Lucas

Super excited! You already know that love excites us. Now when it is a major celebration of a huge milestone in a marriage, we are over the moon with excitement. Christiana and her husband, Olu took their vow renewal to Cabo San Lucas Mexico and had the dream wedding they had always wanted.

Hey, check out more amazing forever love features here.

Christiana shares how their love story started years ago:

We met in 2003 when he came to honor my dad with an award. We really didn’t talk much then. We actually didn’t get along that well at first, lol. He thought I was stuck up and I thought he was arrogant. Then about two years later we reconnected at my dad’s birthday party and started talking more regularly. We both started to see the good in each other. We became good friends then it grew into more. We started dating in 2006 got married in 2008 and now two children and 10 years later our love has grown stronger.

Ten years later, the couple decided to renew their vows in the beautiful Dreams Los Cabos. The event started with a welcome party, then a yacht party and finally the vow renewal. We also asked them for some pictures on marriage, love, family and vow renewal.

See pictures of the welcome party below:

 What does love mean to you?

When I think about love and what it really means it’s actually hard for me to describe. Love to me is putting someone before yourself, having patience, looking past flaws, and being willing to sacrifice.

What has ten years of marriage taught you?

Ten years has taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. When I think about all we have been through as a couple and as a family, I realize that you have to have true deep unconditional love to make a marriage work. Communication and patience are key, and above all committing your family and marriage in the hands of God.

Why did you decide on a vow renewal?

When we got married ten years ago, I wanted to have a destination wedding but I knew that since both of us were the first of the children in our families, we knew that our parents would not allow it. So, when we went on our honeymoon, my husband promised me that we could renew our vows in 10 years.

Your dress was so gorgeous but why not the regular white dress?

Since I was eight years old, after seeing the wedding scene from “Coming to America” I have always wanted a pink wedding dress. When we got married ten years ago, my mom was never going to let me get away with wearing pink lol. So when it was time for our renewal I told my stylist Pam, Daughters of Nonyelum, that I wanted a rose gold (basically pink with bling lol) dress. She gave me fabric to pick from and everything became glam from there lol.

Why in Dreams Los Cabos?

We knew we wanted a destination vow renewal, so we had to decide which location. We had always wanted to go to Cabo because neither of us had been before. I began searching online for a family-friendly resort that was at least 4 stars and that’s when I found Dreams. I fell in love with the resort the more and more I researched it. I literally began stalking their Instagram. LOL. I just knew we had to have our vow renewal there.

What are your highlights from the vow renewal?

The best moment for me was the vows my husband recited to me. He really put a lot of thought into it and showed me how much he cares about me and our children. I really felt every word.

What was the ceremony like for you?

Everything about the ceremony was beautiful. I loved it all. This time our exchange of vows meant so much more than the first time. Our children were there and we have really gone through life together. Every word we said to each other had deep meaning. I love it and love Him more and more each day. The only thing I would change was that where the ceremony was outside was on a hill. So I had to walk up a hill in 6-inch heels to get down the aisle. But thank God, I made it. Lol.


What is the best part of being married?

For me, the best part of being married is having someone that you can share your life with. A person that together you can build an empire with. Having someone that is there for me and I am there for him.

 What are you most grateful for in your partner?

I’m very grateful that my partner is patient with me and that he is involved with our children. He has made our marriage a true partnership and we are able to accomplish so many great things together.

Your top 3 fun things and activities to do as a couple?

Vacation, talking about politics and hosting parties.

What has changed in these ten years of marriage?

We have both matured so much which is to be expected. We have grown and our love has grown.

What little thing does your spouse do that gets you every time?

When he tries to surprise me, I usually find out. But lately he has been getting me and I love him for it.

What is the best advice you have ever received on marriage?

Communication, communication, communication. Always communicate with your spouse.

The most memorable romantic gesture from your spouse?

My husband does not like panning parties by himself, we usually do it together. But, for my birthday, my husband planned a surprise party for me at one of the nicest spots in town. I was surprised and extremely happy that he was able to put all of it together.

 If you were given a blank check to travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Anywhere with a beautiful beach, lol. But, maybe Aruba, because I’ve never been there.

Most memorable moments from your wedding ceremony ten years ago?

Our wedding ten years ago was so huge. There were so many people there we didn’t have enough seats because we had crashers. Crashing weddings was a thing in 2008 lol. We had 15 bridesmaids, 15 groomsmen, 4 flower girls, 2 junior bridesmaids, 2 junior groomsmen, 1 little groom, and 1 little bride. We had over 800 guests and family too much to count. One of my favorite moments was when we fed each other the cake. In fact, that was the only time we got to eat the cake because it was all gone by the time they started serving it. Some other favorite moments was when we made our entrance into the reception to “Crazy In Love” that song was hot back then lol. The bouquet toss was also super fun because I threw it to “Single Ladies”. I believe the song just came out then so we were the first to have it played at our wedding for the bouquet toss, it was so much fun.

@christiana.o2 & @oluolojo
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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Main Event Cabo
    December 14, 2018 at 1:33 AM

    What a gorgeous wedding!
    Flowers & Decor by @maineventcabo

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