
Omobola & CJ’s Traditional Wedding Was a Burst of Colours

We love traditional weddings and all the vibrance that come with them. Today, thanks to Omobola and CJ, we’re basking in the beauty and sweetness of love and the big commitment to stay true to that love forever.

The two met about 12 years ago, and the sparks were immediately ignited. Despite distance doing its thing, they still found a way back into each other’s arms and now, it’s a forever story.

They tied the knot in a beautiful traditional wedding and it was such a beautiful pop of coloured as the Yoruba and Delta – Igbo cultures we full represented and displayed. You surely want to take in all of this beauty for yourself. So just keep scrolling. When you’re done, you should totally check out their white wedding feature here.

Enjoy the photos below their story the way Omobola shares it.

Their love story as shared by Omobola:

We both met in December 2010 in Lagos, Nigeria. He had just graduated from his MBA at Wits business school Johannesburg and was currently working there while I was entering my final year at Babcock university. He came to Nigeria for his sister’s wedding which was scheduled to hold in January 2011. At the time, my older sister and his older brother lived in the same neighbourhood. On a beautiful evening, I was walking down to a kiosk close to my sister’s house to buy something (I don’t remember what) when he spotted me from where he was hanging with the boys outside his brother’s house. He approached me, told me how beautiful I looked and respectfully asked for my number. I was impressed by his confidence and gentle demeanour, and for those reasons, I didn’t hesitate to give him my number.

We started talking very frequently and saw each other almost every day. Even though we both knew we had started developing feelings for each other, we kept things friendly because I had a school boyfriend at the time. After his sister’s wedding, he went back to SA and I went back to school. Life continued as normal but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Fast forward to the Summer of 2011, I was back at my sister’s house for the long summer holiday and he was back in Nigeria. He called me from the airport as soon as he touched down in Lagos and I was so excited because I had no idea he would be back so soon.

Let’s also check out CJ and his squad as they also get prepped for the big moment…

That precious first look moment…

We officially started dating that summer and to date, I refer to the summer of 2011 as the best summer of life. We talked every single day, this time not just as friends but as lovers. We fell in love that summer. I must add that things had already ended with my school boyfriend before he came back to Nigeria. He went on to pursue his PhD in SA and later moved to Canada In 2016 to complete his post-doctoral research. In 2015 I moved to the US for my Master’s degree but we always kept in touch, the rest they say is history. Today, I’m married to Chijioke my lover as I fondly call him.

Now, it’s time for the ceremony…

Make way for the groom and his squad…

Make way for the bride and her squad…

The veiling of the bride…

Now, the unveiling. The outpouring of emotions have us in our feelings….

Time for the second appearance and the love birds are dazzling in white and Gold as they rep the Delta – Igbo culture!



Photography: @jopstudios

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