Just because shoots don’t stop at the pre-wedding but can be carried on even after the wedding. We love this Christmas-themed photoshoot session of the photographer, George Okoro and his wife, Rakiya. We decided to ask them a few questions on marriage and here’s all the juicy stuff they want you to know this season.

How long have you been married?
We have been married for a little over 2 years now.
What does love mean to you?
Love is friendship, respect, trust, intimacy and openness. Love in our marriage is a commitment to us through it all, accepting each other as we are and seeing my our partner beyond their physical appearance.
What has two years of marriage taught you?
Marriage has taught us sacrifice, patience, understanding, that there’s no ‘I’ in marriage and both parties have to be 100% committed not 50%-50%.
Any advice for intending couples?
You must be best friends who can easily share everything, the good, the bad and the ugly no matter what. When you fight, breathe and make up asap don’t let it linger. Be your partners Number 1 fan, listen to understand your partner. Never be afraid to talk/advice your partner. Always highlight the positive things your partner brings to the relationship and praise him or her for that on a regular basis. Keep sensitive family information out of social media. ( Silence they say is golden).
Keep the third party away from your family challenges because they will definitely come. Be thankful to and for your partner. Be intimate, spice up your marriage. For the men, listen to your wife and make her happy! A happy wife, means a happy life! Remember to put God first in everything.
Couple: @ladygeorge__ @ladygeorge_homes |@georgeokoro
Photography: @georgeokoro
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