BN Bling Proposals

Moses Came Across Sandra’s Tumblr Profile and Was Instantly Smitten! #ThePromise24

Who could have thought that true love could be found on Tumblr? When Moses came across Sandra’s profile seven years ago, she grabbed his attention instantly.

This led him to follow her on Instagram, where he waited patiently to strike up a conversation. Their journey ever since has been a whirlwind of romance and wholesome discoveries – One that proves that no matter what, when two people are meant to be together, nothing can stop them! Their pre-wedding photos are giving us all the feels of love and each frame will add beautiful smiles to your day!

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

Their love story as shared by Moses:

In October 2017, one faithful day while scrolling through my Tumblr page, I came across Sandra’s profile and it immediately got my attention. My initial thought was who is this beautiful lady and where does she live? I instantly loved that she was boldly sharing and blogging about Christ. I went searching for her and followed her on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. After following her on social media, I discovered that we had some mutual friends and that Sandra and I lived in the same state (Maryland). This was a huge relief LOL!

I decided to message Sandra on Facebook but she never opened the message because she rarely used Facebook at that point. I was so insistent on following through with my plans to get Sandra’s attention, so I had to figure out another way to get a hold of her and at least initiate a conversation. Luckily for me, Instagram stories had just become a thing during that time so now all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity to get in there. I waited very patiently watching and observing Sandra’s stories in the background. One Saturday afternoon, Sandra posted something on her story that was very funny and grabbed my attention. That was the perfect opportunity for me to strike up a conversation. I humbly shot my shot in her DMs and thanks to God, I did not miss!!

We spoke for hours on and off in the DMs that day and eventually exchanged numbers. We definitely had a connection and I was determined to seek God in prayer to see if this was something He wanted me to move forward with. After receiving confirmation from the Lord, I decided to pursue Sandra and a few weeks later we went on our first date. The two of us officially started dating in January 2018. The relationship went on for about 8 months and unfortunately ended sometime in August.

Throughout the years we remained very good Kingdom friends and will always check on each other sporadically. We supported one another in our various endeavours and caught up whenever we could. During this 5 year “break”, the Lord began to speak to us and prepare us individually for marriage. Little did we know of His plans to reconcile us back to each other for that purpose. After much time trying to fight and deny what we knew God was saying, we decided to surrender and follow God’s plan for our lives. We got back together after much confirmation and in June 2023, I asked Sandra to be my wife and she wholeheartedly said YES! Here’s to the fulfilment of #Thepromise!



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