BN Bling Proposals

Get Ready to be in Awww-Mood with Kehinde Daniel & Adebola Williams Pre-wedding Shoot

We know you are certainly not ready for this but it’s okay. Once you start you won’t stop!

Here’s why we are super hyped today, Kehinde Daniel and her forever love, Adebola Williams are blessing us with another dose of their beauty and love. The couple tied the knot legally in March this year and now we get to enjoy their beautiful pre-wedding shoot captured by Bedge Pictures.

Right from the surprise boat proposal to their introduction and then the civil ceremony, it has been a back-to-back hit with the #KDLagos2021 couple and we just can’t get enough of them. We have to say that each look for this shoot is simply captivating. From glowing in white and dripping nothing but pure sauce in their Asooke, down to the Bonnie and Clyde vibes of in their classy red outfits, this epic love story simply writes itself! Some of their outfits were styled by the ace Nigerian fashion designer, Mai Atafo. We’re absolutely drooling over chemistry in these photos and we just can’t wait for the big day.


Here’s how it all started according to Debola:

We met in Abeokuta. I had to go under the rock. It took me three nights of travel, seven days of fasting, moving my schedule from Accra and Abuja to be able to be in Abeokuta. I had to go all that way because God had a purpose for it. I had gone into the year 2020 saying to God: I was ready and this was the year. I had said that before but I wasn’t sure if I was through and through about it, but last year I was certain. However, whilst I was here worrying about where I would find my wife, I didn’t know that God had a plan and a diamond waiting for me far away out of Lagos. I went to Abeokuta for a wedding in August last year where I was the best Man. I went to the wedding against all odds knowing I had to be there because the groom and I have been close friends for 17 years. You know one of those moments when you think you’re being good to someone, not knowing that the goodwill would come back tenfold. So we went up to take pictures with the groom and as I descended, I saw the chairman of the group, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, and I couldn’t decide on time if I should approach and greet him or not. I had met him before at the 90th birthday of Chief Ayo Adebanjo where I gave a speech and he walked up to me, commended my speech, and said we should keep in touch and all of that, but it never happened. I eventually decided to greet as courtesy demanded of me as the Yoruba boy that I am. I reminded him of who I was, and I wasn’t sure he heard me clearly because he was quite warm towards me. I remember being confused and thinking the quick meeting didn’t warrant that kind of warmth so I made myself believe that perhaps he had me mixed up with someone else.

So I sat down, and he called my attention again asking me what I did for a living. I told him, we got familiar and exchanged numbers – he invited me to dinner. I thought that perhaps he wanted to do some political consulting so I was quick to talk about my work; I didn’t realise that God had better plans for me. I immediately sent him the company’s profile on WhatsApp (which he never read until about 3 days later). He then called me to tell me he wasn’t sure if the dinner would happen anymore; this made me sad as it seemed like I had just lost a work prospect, so I started trying to move on. Just as I was moving on, he called me again and was like “You know what, let’s go ahead and have dinner.” Dinner was at his hotel, I was seated at the table, I greeted his wife and we were about to get into it when suddenly, I saw the rising of an ebony beauty in denim on denim. She joined the dinner. At the dinner table, every question I was asked, I threw at her, just because I wanted to hear her talk, wanted to hear her views on life and position on different things. What they did not know was that the assignment had changed for me. I went to the meeting thinking I was going to have a business consultation demand, but on the way, I allowed myself to be distracted. I was also trying to figure out if there should be a second date or not, trying to decide whether to dive into the family conversation?

The dinner was almost done and I still hadn’t made up my mind on whether to actively pursue a second date or not. At that point, her mum left. Not too long after, her dad followed. I then invited her to join me for the wedding service the next day; it turned out she went with her parents to Abeokuta but had no intentions of attending the wedding. She claimed not to have travelled with wedding clothes, so with the help of her mum, I managed to convince her. We left for a boutique in the hotel around 11 pm to go look for clothes unknown to us that her mum had sent the driver to go get her one. She came to the church wedding the next day and I was there as well, performing my Best Man duty. During the ceremony, we kept making eye contact and I was being my goofy self. Apparently, her mum was watching as the shenanigans unfolded and then teased her about it. After the wedding, I had planned to leave for Lagos by 1 pm, she by 2 pm. I suspected that I might no longer be going by 1 so I asked her, “If I end up going by 2 pm, will you ride with me?” To which she replied that she’d get back to me as she wasn’t sure. She got back at 1 pm and we left for Lagos in my car. While on the road, my car was freezing but I always carry a blanket and so I offered it to her and told her I wanted to eat and sleep if she didn’t mind as I was tired. Kenny always carries around her laptop with her so I think she kept working. I woke up when we were almost at her home but we didn’t make any concrete plans to meet again; I called her two days later. At the time when I met her, I was talking to other people but that soon quickly changed.

Now, tell us about your first date:

Kehinde:  He was late. I think he was 5 minutes late.
Debola: No, you were super early. I was on time, but you always arrive super early.
Kehinde: We went for lunch at Ile Eros, it was nice, even though it felt like an interview as all the questions he asked were very intense. It’s like when you’re trying to eliminate a candidate and you ask certain questions like “where
do you see yourself in 5 years?” and a host of other family-oriented questions. It was a nice lunch but I didn’t leave there thinking I found ‘the one’ because like I said, it wasn’t a conversation of us getting to know each other in a ‘playful’ way. However, the questions would spiral to various conversations that made our alignment evident and it was comforting that at least we were on the same page. So lunch was okay. It wasn’t until after lunch when he started toasting me before I began to see his romantic and playful side.




Bride: @kenny.d
Groom: @debolalagos
Love Story Credit: @TheWillDowntown | @latashalagos

Outfit 1
Groom’s Outfit: @atafo.official
Bride’s Outfit: @atafo.bridal
Accessories: Personal wardrobe

Outfit 2
Groom’s look
Aso Oke: @purplelagos
Agbada: @deco_d29
Accessories: @deco_d29/Personal wardrobe
Shoes: Personal wardrobe

Bride’s look
Aso Oke: @purplelagos
Outfit: @purplelagos
Gele: @royalgele
Shoes: Personal wardrobe

Outfit 3
Groom’s outfit: Personal wardrobe
Accessories: @deco_d29
Groom’s Shoes: Personal wardrobe
Bride’s Outfit: @atafo.official
Bride’s Shoes: Personal wardrobe

Outfit 4

Groom’s  look: @atafo.official
Bride’s look: @atafo.official
Hair: @Ferdinandshairs
Makeup: @adammakenneth
Styling: @debolalagos
Venue Location Shoot 3& 4: @ebonylifeplace

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