
The #ItsOD2019 Love Story is the Right Start for the Day + Their Pre-wedding Shoot is ?

We promise you that it is lit in here.

Olaide and Dapo are getting us super excited today! I mean, what better way to start the day than with a sweet love story. It’s not just their love story that will capture your heart even their pre-wedding shoot captured by Zoom Worx will leave you wanting more. The best way to describe is ?.

The bride and groom share how they met and we will just leave you to read from them.

Here’s how Olaide recalls their love story:

I was heading to the airport to catch my flight back to Arizona, where I was completing my residency training when my two friends wanted to stop by their friend’s home who just came back from a birthday trip. (Thank you Simi & Modupe!) It was Dapo’s house. I’ve known Dapo in passing through mutual friends, but I don’t remember being formally introduced to him. While I was there, I kept texting my friends telling them I thought he looked really cute. I didn’t stay for too long, but before I left, Dapo and I exchanged numbers. I flew back to Arizona and we began communicating pretty regularly.

A month later, we had our first date in Vegas. We would text on and off, but because I was living in Arizona, it was hard to be consistent. I always tell Dapo he was God sent because I was so sure that I would be moving to Houston, Texas and starting this new life meeting new people because I was tired of Maryland. God had other plans. I matched for residency in Maryland and moved back 4 months later. We began dating and the rest is history!

And this is Dapo‘s side of the story:

Our story began in February 2017 at my apartment. I was coming back from Mexico after celebrating my 30th birthday and Olaide was heading back to Phoenix, Arizona for her residency program and stopped by my place on her way to the airport with our mutual friends. I have actually known of Olaide for quite sometime after meeting her at church and asking her on a date – one that she stood me up. But of course, she has no recollection of this, LOL. After our mutual friends formally introduced us at my apartment, we mingled and exchanged numbers. Throughout the rest of the year, we became good friends while she was still living in Arizona.

Each day she showed me kindness and genuine friendship, even when I wasn’t looking for it. She finally moved back to Maryland, which was perfect because I was able to open up to her and I began to take part in our growing friendship. We are complete opposites: I am an introvert, she is an extrovert; I am reserved, she is rowdy (LOL); I am rough and she is gentle. But over time, I began to see just how amazing Olaide is and began to cherish her even more. I am a firm believer in God bringing you the bone of your bone and the flesh of your flesh. I prayed to God about us and for him to reveal if she was the right person for me. I am forever grateful that God chose her for me. This beautiful girl worked her way into my heart and will be here forevermore.

Here’s how Dapo popped the big question:

I knew I wanted to marry Olamide when I received confirmation from God. I wanted to make the proposal very special for her because she deserved it. I first received blessings from my family and then formally asked her family for her hand in marriage. She’s very nosey so I had to make sure this went off without a hitch. I got some of her close friends involved to help me plan the proposal of her dreams. Just like that, we were in Miami! I planned a nice dinner and had all of her family and close friends fly in as a surprise. We were set to have dinner that night where the proposal would take place.

Throughout the day, I was pretty composed because I wanted to ensure that the day went well. However, when we walked into dinner, I immediately got nervous. She was crying once she saw everyone because she knew I was finally about to pop the question. I got on my knees and asked her to marry me and the rest is history. Olaide is truly a blessing to me and I pray to God to perfect everything concerning our union. I look forward to building a family and creating great memories together.

Here’s how Olaide recalls the proposal:

Dapo told me we would be going to Miami for July 4th weekend with some of his friends. I was super excited because I was finishing residency and needed this break! I probably should have suspected something when he upgraded us to First Class or when we ran into 2 of his friends at the airport, but I did not. Once in Miami, we were preparing to go to dinner and Dapo kept asking me what I was wearing and told me that I was not allowed to wear black (my favorite). I still didn’t suspect anything. We walk into dinner and I see all these familiar faces – parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, and friends who flew down from all over to share in our special day. Dapo dropped down on one knee and asked me to do life with him forever and I immediately said yes!

The next day, Dapo had a pre-wedding photoshoot planned for us in Miami to mark this special moment! I could not believe that he was so thoughtful to make July 7, 2018, a day I would never forget. I will always love him for that. Dapo is truly my better half and has given my life a breath of fresh air. He is so funny, charming, and sweet and I am beyond blessed to be able to do life with him. In just two years we have created so many memories together, and I pray that God sees us fit to create many more incredible ones together. Honestly, I know I love Dapo because my days are brighter with him. I look forward to waking up next to him, having a family with him, sharing life with him, growing old with him, and most importantly resonating energy so positive, so vibrant, and so pure between the two of us.


Bride: @olaidecamille
Photography: @zoomworx
Planner: @lushcoutureevents

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