BN Bling Proposals

Adetunji Took Over Olayinka’s Birthday Photoshoot with a Surprise Proposal

Who doesn’t like surprises? For Olayinka, this surprise was certainly welcome.

On what was meant to be Olayinka’s birthday photoshoot, it turned out to be the day that her lover, Adetunji popped the question. Adetunji already put a plan in place with her photographer to pop the question while she was in her third outfit. With her head facing the sun, he went on one knee, she turned and voila, it was a surprise!

We certainly would let the photos and the proposal story from the bride-to-be, Olayinka do the rest.


Here’s how it all happened according to the bride-to-be, Olayinka:

Yes, Adetunji (my fiance) and I have talked about marriage here and there. I also knew there was a possibility that within the next 1 to 2 years, he would propose, but I honestly was blind-sided. Little did I know that Adetunji was actually planning to propose in April but due to COVID all the plans were cancelled and he had to go back to the drawing board. All I can say is that everything about that day was literally perfect and I’m so glad it happened the way it was supposed to. Just the two of us. So since I started my blog, I’ve always planned a photoshoot on my actual birthday as a gift to myself. On that day I already had a photoshoot planned with Norman (my good friend and favourite photographer) to shoot 3 looks; 2 outfits with sponsored products for a campaign and a 3rd outfit just for my birthday. That was the only thing I had planned and Tunji told me that he had plans for us after the shoot. In mind, I was thinking of lunch and possibly a spa day or something. Nothing seemed strange or off because he’s come to many shoots before and it’s never a big deal. Little did I know that Tunji already let Norman know about his plans and they planned to take over my shoot after I changed into my last outfit.




Since the shoot was in a rose garden, we had to carry my clothes, bags, changing tent, and all my props down a 5-minute walk into the park. Everything seemed normal, Tunji hyping me up during the shoot and even sneaking in a few takes with me. So after I changed into my last outfit, I took a few pictures with Tunji, and then Norman suggested we walk over to the other side of the rose garden to capture some other angles. I started to pose. The sun was beaming and I felt like my makeup is sliding off, as Norman directed me to pose this time with my head up facing the sun! Again I didn’t think anything of this because when I normally shoot with Norman, our philosophy is to make sure we capture a variety of angles and poses so that I have options to pick from. I’m extra and I’ve definitely posed like this before!


Then as Norman directed me to move into another pose and the moment I turn my head, I see Tunji was on one knee asking me to marry him. I literally froze in shock and said: “Are you kidding me!!” Then Tunji said “No, Yinka will you marry me?” and I said “Yes!!!!” Once he got off his knee and proceeded to put the ring on my finger, that’s when the waterworks started.

After he proposed we had lunch and headed straight to a nearby beach to relax for a few hours. To just enjoy being in the moment and actually wrapping our heads around the fact: we’re engaged!! Later that day, Tunji made reservations at Fleming’s where we had an amazing dinner for two. To make our evening even more special, Tunji’s brother and cousin surprised us with a bottle of Dom Perignon to celebrate our special night.







Photography: @noatesphoto

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  • Reply
    October 9, 2020 at 1:51 AM

    Congratulations my personal people. Reading this and could not control my blush, so beautiful. God bless you both.

  • Reply
    October 7, 2020 at 10:48 PM

    Congrats Tunji

  • Reply
    October 7, 2020 at 6:52 PM

    Congratulations Olayinka & Adetunji. Such a mind blowing and captivating love story

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