
Dreaming of This #BNHoneymoonSpot in Swiss Alps, Switzerland!

Honestly, not sure what caught our attention, maybe the stunning view or the breakfast table! But one certainly did and put this beautiful spot in Switerzland on our radar for honeymoon spots to love and visit.

Here is a little about this #BNHoneymoonSpot from WikiVoyage:

Switzerland is known for its mountains (the Alps in the south, Jura in the northwest) but it also has a central plateau of rolling hills, plains, and large lakes. The Swiss climate is temperate, but varies significantly with altitude in the Alps – in average about 6.5° C every 1000m.

The most convenient and most visited months are from late May till early October with a particular, often overcrowded high from July to August.  During this time, you can enjoy its fabulous landscapes either on a hike, a cruise, a train, or a bike ride. You will be able to discover the High Alps, its blacknose sheep, and glaciers. The summer season allows to combine the supposed incompatible, namely beach holidays on the lakes and some, though limited summer skiing.


Just imagine having breakfast with such a refreshing beauty in view. The majestic landscape makes it feel like a stunning postcard backdrop.


Switzerland is renowned in the world for downhill skiing, and the country is also great for many other outdoor activities, including hiking and mountain biking. Mountain climbing from easy to very hard can also be found in Switzerland.

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