BN Bling Proposals

“A divine orchestration”! Tayo & Aniido’s Love Story Will Absolutely Make Your Day

The love of your life may just be an introduction away! This is one reason why we’re such big fans of friends who help their friends find love. On today’s episode of “friends playing cupid”, we’ve got Tayo and Aniido!

Tayo’s friend who happened to be Annido’s sister-in-law saw the possibility of a sweet love story with the pair and she was right! That step led to a friendship that has now led to a forever love journey as the lovebirds are set to do this love thing for life! Their pre-wedding photos and love story as shared by the couple will totally make your day.

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below.

Their love story as shared by Aniido:

Simply put, ours is a “divine orchestration”. I met Tayo through my sister-in-law, who had just become Tayo’s friend. She messaged me one night to tell me in very few words that she has just realized who is going to be my wife. At that point, it sounded a bit dramatic and even funny. But she immediately sent me Tayo’s social media handles and asked me to DM her. Well, thank God I did. Although she was a little reluctant and “official” at first, I was already pleasantly hooked on the pleasures of her company. Charming, intelligent, witty, God-loving, and sensuously beautiful…..these are just a few words to describe who I had just discovered. I quickly realised she was exactly what I wanted and more… My best friend, lover, teammate, cheerleader, and worship partner. I gave her a fond name – EDIDIONG (which means a blessing from the Lord). That is exactly what Tayo is to me. She’s a treasure that continues to unearth, one that is worth every effort, every endeavour and every second spent. I had finally found the One; an inexplicable peace in my soul and a heavenly confirmation that I have indeed obtained favour from the Lord. It then dawned on me that for the first time in my life, I was going to ask a woman to be my wife.

Here’s Tayo’s side of the story:

On one of the most sombre days of my life, lying in bed, completely lost in my own thoughts and grieving over what I considered a big loss; Samira rings me to insist we have a girl chat so I could get out of my funk. Narrating the entire events of the last 3 months of my life, she says, “this sounds like a bad movie but I am glad you came out of it, now I can finally introduce you to Aniido who I had always wanted you to meet”. Rolling my eyes on the end of the phone and muffling under my breath “not another one”, I reluctantly googled his name and looked him up on the gram (wink, wink). I was like this guy is too fine and clearly must have a line-up of girls readily waiting to get his details. So, I played coy, hard to get, and passive about my interaction with him. A couple of months went by, I would get the weekend check-ins, a few messages here and there then he went for the jugular – a video call without notice. Come on now – a girl needs time to fleek the brows, contour the nose, and highlight in the right places but no, rather he saw my bare face, tired from work, and of course, the ashy winter hue wasn’t flattering your girl. Yet all he saw was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with and to date he still says “it was the smile that did it for me”.


I have experienced nothing but wholesome joy since I met you. You gave me plenty of reasons to hope, laugh, and live for. Stuck in Milan a few days before the year ends, isolated and lonely, you were the constant voice that kept reassuring and praying for a miracle so we won’t remain in a strange land for the start of a new year – that was the moment of confirmation for me. I named you “Oluwadamilohun” for God surely answered my prayers. You are patient in love, you are kind in love and you are gentle in love. You are simply God’s intent for me and for that I know I am richly blessed.



Bride-to-be @tayo_adeniji
Groom-to-be @aniidodavid
Planner @alan_events02
Makeup @skylarkfaces
Hair @hairbyposhclass
Photography @_bibilens

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