BN Bling Proposals

Aisha’s #BNBling Reaction to Ibidapo was Epic + Their Love Story is Uber-Sweet ?

If you have been on Instagram lately, then you might have come across this trending proposal of Aisha and her love, Ibidapo.

It certainly wasn’t the regular proposal reaction as the bride-to-be, Aisha gave us an epic response to walking into the surprise. She laughed, walked around and then remembered it was a proposal, then prompted her lover to get down on a knee. It didn’t end there, she went back to the door and beautifully strutted in. It was pretty epic but hey we love it!

Gladly the groom-to-be, Ibidapo gives us a little backstory of how they met and how the proposal played out. Read all about it below and catch up with more proposal and trending moments.


I met Aisha through a mutual friend in November 2015, at that time, a cute, beautiful charming princess that just graduated from University of Lagos and waiting for the NYSC programme. We exchanged few pictures on WhatsApp, she sent two beautiful pictures and I sent about ten of mine. Her response was “oga calm down nah, do you want to finish my data” and this reaction of hers caught me. Immediately I knew I was talking to a good humored, cheerful and happy young lady. Without prompting, I picked interest in that clown. We got talking and after 2 months, I knew we’ll be together for a very long time if not forever. This knowing had prepared me so well for the task ahead, meanwhile I felt so relaxed that the journey had begun.

After 3 months of calls and texting, she finally came visiting. From afar I could see this elegant lady with long braided hair, sexy eyes and very cute lips with a big smile on her face. I jumped to get her and said ‘Hi! So nice to finally meet you“, she replied with “Eshey, hmm e ma fine”. After few minutes she said “Oya ask me out formally now, face to face”. Honestly, I was weak and left with a thought that this was Ali Baba in a lady called Aisha. Anyways, in response to her, I started laughing, displayed courage and asked her out formally.

So we hung out with few mutual friends the following weekend, had few drinks and showed her the social part of me which she had never seen or told, as I was enjoying and appreciating every minutes I get to spend with her. I told my cousin I had found a wife and she took it as a joke. Despite my cousin reactions, I was determined to love her endlessly. Spending about 3 years with her, knowing and learning so much about her, I knew it was the perfect time to ask her to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me.

Here’s how the proposal went down:

So for the proposal, that Sunday evening was meant to be a friend’s spouse birthday party. We were invited but unknowing to Aisha,  we had planned a proposal party. She had bookings early that day and I kept tabs on her, making sure she came back in time. As usual, she got back late. I got her friend to make sure she had her nails done because the point was to slay. I mean, she was going to be meeting new people in her mind. Afterwards, she hurriedly did her makeup and was upset I didn’t give her enough time to take pictures.

I kept reassuring her that I’d take her pictures at the event and even make her videos. Lol, she wasn’t having it. But she managed to stay calm after so much persuasion. We got to the venue and she walked into the party and was surprised and of course I asked the heavy question and with so many dramatic reactions, she joyfully gave me the YES answer. So glad I will be spending the rest of my life with the love of my LIFE.





Photography: @topklass_photography
Dress: @zaynabsaphirng
Venue: @thehouselagos
Makeup: @b.and.hh

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