BN Bling Proposals

A Friend Shared Esther’s Snapchat Handle With Collins, Now #ECgetsmarried!

We’re always rooting for friends who are out there helping their friends find love! If you’re one of such friends, here’s a massive shout out to you. 😅 Today, thanks to a mutual friend, we get to crush on Esther and Collins’ Pre-wedding shoot and love story.

Esther and Collins met online after Collins sent her a request on Snapchat. However, this was not by chance. Their mutual friend had shared Esther’s handle with Collins – an act which has now led to this beautiful moment in time where the sweethearts are now on their forever journey. We’re absolutely gushing over the beauty o their pre-wedding shoot and how so amazing they look together. Surely, love is a beautiful thing and the love birds, Esther and Collins are proof of that!

Enjoy the love story as Esther shared it and their lovely pre-wedding shoot below.

Their love story as shared by Esther:

It all started in 2014 when I got a friend request from Mr smiles on Snapchat. 😁 A few days later, I found out he got my handle from a mutual friend I met at the University of Lagos who was his classmate in elementary school.

We became friends and bonded so well like we’ve met or known each other for some time. I was in a relationship at the time so he never made any advances.

We kept it cool and spoke about everything (my relationship, his etc…). Fast forward to 2017 my final year in university when my relationship ended.

Collins decided it was time to finally visit Nigeria just to help me heal.😂😂😂 Little did I know he was planning on making me his girlfriend.

I declined his request at the time because I wasn’t sure I wanted to get in a relationship too fast neither do I want to be in a long-distance relationship (you know what they say about them).

But hey this guy, my very own Mr smiles is different. He kept to his words and still remained my friend till I was ready.

Months later after he had gone back, he tried his luck again. Esther are you ready for us? I gave the sarcastic look like I have no idea what he meant (Trust women nau).

I eventually gave him the reply and said yes to this long-distance relationship. The rest they say is history. I’m glad I’m going on this journey with you and I can’t wait for what the future holds for us. God bless our union🙏🏽



Bride: @Mz_esther
Groom: @Namdiee
Planner: @srcevents_
Photography: @awgzz


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