
The Decor at Chiamaka & Chukwudalu’s Wedding was Truly Exquisite

Guys, let’s just say that the #AmaniWedding is about to hit you with enough beauty to last the day.

Chiamaka and Chukwudalu‘s white wedding was all about love and friendship. The beautiful bride rocked a stunning dress by the designer, Yemi Shoyemi while her groom looked absolutely dapper in his white and black tux.  After the joining, the couple headed to the reception and you know how a Lagos party is, it definitely was lit. The decor was purely beautiful, from the floral wall to the ceiling, and the walkway that was designed to have florals in a glass. Truly amazing.

If you want to know how the couple met, you’ll have to stick through to find out (but here is a snippet: they had always known about each other but didn’t know each other). Yup, that’s all we are going to give away. Keep reading to find out how Chukwidalu popped the big question from both parties.


How did you and Dalu meet?

We are family friends so I knew of him but not personally. I had heard about how smart, caring and charming he was. So when my dad asked if he could share my number with his mum, I agreed. Dalu called me a day later and we had a great 10 to 15minutes conversation getting to know each other. That one conversation has led to a gazillion dates with wonderful memories shared. We have a deeply rooted and unique connection and friendship that’s been built over 3 years and counting. Now, we are getting married!

What do you love most about Dalu?

Where do I start? There’s a lot to love about Dalu. Narrowing it down is a task but I’ll try. Dalu is the smartest and most caring man I’ve ever met. I love how he exudes confidence and takes action when everyone else seems unsure. He can’t stand to see anyone struggle or in trouble and not do anything about it. I love how he cares for his mother and siblings. I love his ability to make me feel safe and secure no matter where I am. Also, his commitment to improving and be a better version of himself. Most of all, I love his relationship with God, his love for people and his innate need to make an impact in others lives. This is where our hearts collide. (Dalu if you’re reading this, don’t let your head swell lol).

How did you know he was the one?

Hmm, I have to admit, I didn’t know Dalu was ‘the one’ at first. When we met, I had just graduated from University and was focused on building; my relationship with God, a career, my company, TAHG (@_tahg), and getting a master’s degree. There was a lot on my plate! I figured anyone who could put up with a nutter like me through my mood swings, bad habits, listen and take interest in my crazy business ideas on how to serve humanity would end up being my husband. The good thing is, Dalu made his intentions with me very clear from early on in our relationship. He told me he was looking for his wife-to-be and he saw her in me. After my master’s degree, still skeptical I became more prayerful towards this and asked God for particular qualities and signs that will lead to my future husband. Dalu ticked all the boxes and as time went on I realized we had the same views on life and divine purpose. I started noticing that he was really good at the things I struggled with and in-turn I was great at the things he was working to improve. I found that as individuals, we were fantastic people but whenever we put our heads together, we are like DYNAMITE! (in a good way) He feels almost like a missing ingredient; without it, the meal tastes fine, but when added, it makes all the difference! We complement and complete each other. All this made me believe he was the one especially knowing we are headed in the same direction on God’s compass.

How did he propose to you?

We went on a baecation to Dubai. The rooms had towels on the beds that they would creatively fold up into animal shapes (like a crab or elephant) with rose petals scattered all around. It was really lovely. So I looked forward to finding out what new animal it was every day after the room was cleaned. On that fateful evening, we went out to have dinner on a huge beautiful boat. On our return back to the hotel, eager to find out what new animal they had come up with, I opened my room door and there were rose petals and balloons on the floor. I turned around and said “Babe, these guys are over-doing it now” and we both laughed. I followed the rose petals trail to a bucket of champagne and a bouquet of flowers. I finally turned to look at the bed and saw the towels shaped like two swans kissing with words “Would you be my wife?” written with roses petals underneath. I turned to express my shock and he was already on his knee. I could tell he was nervous when he said “Chiamaka Anyaegbu, will you be my wife?” I was so shy but excited at the same time. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I knew he would ask me to marry him someday, but I had no clue it would happen that evening. Oh yeah, of course, I said a big fat YES!

What part of your future are you most excited about?

I’m looking forward to watching Dalu be a fantastic father, having more baecations with and without our kids, achieving our dreams together, growing old together, watching our kids and grandkids be amazing at all they do, looking back 40 years from now and feeling grateful to God for His grace upon our home. Discussing how amazing God has been to us. I look forward to hearing testimonials from people whose lives we’ve touched.

What do you love most about Chiamaka?

There are several qualities of Chiamaka that I really love. It is quite a lengthy list. However, the one which gave birth to other good qualities in Chiamaka (inclusive of her wonderful fellowship with God) is her wisdom. I must say she been blessed with so much wisdom from God and I am happy a lady with such wisdom would be with me Forever. I couldn’t have asked for any better quality within her!

How did you know she was the one?

Getting to know Chiamaka was like cracking a hard nut with your teeth and believe me she wouldn’t let you use a stone to crack it! I must confess it was quite challenging however the good thing from this process was my weaknesses were identified and I started to improve on them. I must say at first I never thought she was the one because I wasn’t having it my way. This is a lesson for those seeking for their other half. To cut the long story short, the contents of the nut ticked all the mandatory qualities I have always wanted in a woman and something unique I identified was her weaknesses were my strength (more significantly some of these strengths were weakness I improved upon while getting to know her) and my weaknesses were her strengths, making us perfect complements to each other hence, I figured she was the one. It took prayer to recognize all this. This is what made our union as the perfect couple. I couldn’t have found out without praying to God.

How did you pull off the proposal?

Those that are close to me know that in everything I do, I put in my very best. When I was ready to propose to Chiamaka I did a lot of research, spoke to so many guys on ideas about how to propose. This was very frustrating as I am an inventor by nature, I saw myself trying to copy what other people had done, and it didn’t sit quite well in my heart. I quickly made a U-turn and decided I would create my own way of proposing to Chiamaka and believe me it worked! It’s good to be yourself in anything you find yourself doing because when you are yourself you would be very effective and efficient. I flew Chiamaka to Dubai and we stayed on the 36th floor of Jumeirah Emirates Tower hotel. She had a feeling I would propose however knowing how smart Chiamaka is, I didn’t want her to have a single clue on how I would propose. Prior to traveling, I had an indoor proposal planned. I made it a routine to book for rose petals to always be placed all over the floor and towels folded into different animal shape on the bed as part of the cleaning service. She got so used to it and always looked forward to what the next shape would look like. On the day I was to propose I booked dinner on an open-roof boat cruise, (I am sure she thought I might pop the question there). After dinner we came back to the hotel room, as she entered the room she was looking forward to seeing the new room decor and towel animal shape on the bed, only to find the words “would you be my wife?” written with rose petals on the bed and that question brought us forth to this blessed day!

What part of your future are you most excited about?

Aside from raising a family together and enjoying all the goodies of being a married couple. I am looking forward to achieving our mission on earth together. Everyone has a mission on earth and I figured Chiamaka and I have a similar calling which is to serve humanity.



Planner: @bisolatrendybee | @trendybeevents
Photography: @akintayotimi
Decor: @nwandosignatureevents
Lighting: @innovatemedia1
Makeup @joycejacob
Dresses: @yemishoyemi
Hair: @tasalaqhq
Special effects: @trendybeevents
Band: @veetageband
Wedding singer@akahnnani
Smallchops@12basketfoodsltd | @theroofgrillandbar |
Finger food: @itarchops
Security: @solutionssecurity_08037092151
Catering: @beyondtastee_catering | @jokspepperkonsult | @de_maranatha_global
Invitations: @inkheartstudios
Furnitures : @houseofgoldrental | @saraorentals | @trorentals

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  • Reply
    March 5, 2019 at 10:45 AM

    What’s the name of the venue please?

    • Reply
      Tomilola Idowu
      March 5, 2019 at 11:42 AM

      Hello Oyin, it was at the Landmark centre.

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